Minister for Environment and Rural and Marine
program attach the VII Conference on Livestock Lidia to be held at the Public University of Navarra next November.
thank the organizations that participate the program. Especially we thank you from starting the conference with a presentation on the Recovery of Jijona Casta. What can we say on this site about this?. Applies only in capital letters. THANKS !.
is of utmost importance that precisely in the year of biodiversity and a School of Agricultural Engineers we talk about the conservation of a breed of cattle to many until very recently were given by extinguished.
We must also congratulate the organizers for the speaker chosen for the advocacy of the caste Jijona: Juan Carlos Gil is someone who has not hidden his interest in our goals Preservation of the "Toro Jijón" not in vain was concerned to know the concluisiones and inquiries had been made by the hand of Lorenzo Ceron Miranda on the evolution of caste and the reasons Jijona demonstration of its actual existence in our bravo cabin. We are delighted the article elaborated on one of the Livestock that far from concealing its origin jijona the proclamation in his name "Casta Peñajara Jijona" in which they take into account the findings made. In the articles section you can find the details of this publication.
Juan Carlos Gil should be taken into account in all forums as an ambassador for this cause protectionist existing biodiversity in the different herds of bulls, especially the caste Jijona.
09.00 - 09.30 Cast
documentation from 09.30 to 10.00 Opening and presentation Days
-Vice Chancellor of Student UPNA, Javier Casali
-Director the School of Agricultural Engineers, Ana Arana
-Chairs of the Conference, Antonio Purroy, Carlos Buxadé
Foundations Recovery
Breeds from 10.00 to 10.30 Identification and recovery of the Casta Navarra
Miguel Reta
10 , 30 to 11.00 Recovery Jijona Casta
Juan Carlos Gil
11.00 to 11.30 Discussion (Moderator: Ignacio J. Martinez Alfaro)
11.30-12.00 Coffee - Break
The economy of the Fiesta
12.00-12.30 How does the crisis affect the Fiesta
Carlos Buxadé
12.30 to 13.00 The economic impact of the Fiesta
Julian Montanes
13.00 - 13.30 Discussion (Moderator: Jose Antonio Mendizabal)
13.30 to 16.00 Break - Food
Importance of Party
16.00-17.00 Round Table: Between death and glory
-Max G ª Padrós (Surgeon-Chief, Sales)
-Angel Hidalgo (Surgeon-in-chief, Pamplona) Ivan
-Fandino (Matador de Toros)
17.00 to 17.30 Discussion (Moderator: Carlos Buxadé)
17.30-18.00 Coffee - Break
18.00 to 18.30 The modern bullfighting as a threat of Lidia encastes
bull Rafael Cabrera
18.30 to 19.00 The chair of bullfighting
Matias Gonzalez, Inaki Arrazola
19.00 to 19.30 Discussion (Moderator: Javier Fernandez)
20.30 Reception at the Municipality of Pamplona
09.45 to 10.15 Changes the fate of poles and flags
Manuel Sales, Julio Fernandez
10.15 to 10.45 The secrets of bravery
José Rufino "Peñajara"
10.45 to 11.15 Discussion (Moderator: Patxi Arrizabalaga)
11 15 to 11.45 Coffee - Break
11.45 to 13.15 Roundtable: The bull seen from the field from the ring, from the street
-Borja Domecq "Jandilla (bulls Livestock)
-Eduardo Dávila Miura (Matador de Toros)
-Alberto de Jesus (Director of the magazine" Bous al Carrer ")
(Moderator: Antonio Purroy)
13.15-13.30 Summary of Days (Antonio Purroy)
13.30 Closing of the Conference
Mayor of Pamplona, \u200b\u200bYolanda Barcina
Taurine Presentation of Agenda 2011 (editor: Vidal Pérez Herrero) and photo exhibition on "The bull in the field" ( http://www.porlasrutasdeltoro.com/ )
Purroy -Antonio (Professor of Animal Production. ETSIA, Pamplona)
-Carlos (Professor of Animal Production . ETSIA, Madrid), Miguel Reta
(Technical and Livestock ITGG bulls, Pamplona)
-Juan Carlos Gil (Director of the Chair Sánchez Mejías, Universidad de Sevilla), Ignacio J.
Martínez Alfaro (Ex-Minister of Agriculture, Government of Navarra)
-Julio Montaner (industrial technical engineer and economist, Zaragoza)
-José Antonio Mendizabal (Prof. of Animal Production. ETSIA, Pamplona)
-Max G ª Padrós (Surgeon-in-chief of the Plaza de Las Ventas, Madrid)
-Angel Hidalgo (Surgeon-chief Pamplona bullring)
-Fandino (Matador de toros, Orduña [Vizcaya])
-Rafael Cabrera (Head information taurine COPE)
-Matías González (President of the plaza de toros de Bilbao)
-Inaki Arrazola (Veterinary Advisory bullring in Bilbao)
-Javier Fernandez (Veterinary Advisor Las Ventas, Madrid)
-Julio Fernandez (Veterinario. Union of Breeders of Fighting Bulls, Madrid)
-Manuel Sales (former bullfighter)
-José Rufino (Livestock bulls "Peñajara", Badajoz), Patxi
Arrizabalaga ( Degree in Law and bullfighting critic, Pamplona)
-Borja Domecq "Jandilla (Livestock bulls (Mérida, Badajoz))
-Eduardo Dávila Miura (Matador de Toros, Sevilla)
-Alberto de Jesus (Director of the magazine "Bous al Carrer")
Navarra Public University of Navarra,
-City Hall Pamplona
-Bodega Otazu Manor Unzué
-Feed-Pfizer, SA
-Ford-Dodge - Veterinary Division
-Trouw Nutrition Spain
Organized by:
Directors of the Conference:
Portrait of Captain Samuel Edward Cook, R.N., (later Widdrington) (1787-1856), bust-length, in uniform, wearing the Dom João VI Gold Medal, second class, and the insignia of an honorary knight commander of The Military Order of the Tower and Sword, Portugal
with identifying inscription (on a label on the reverse)
oil on canvas
28¼ x 22 in. (72 x 56 cm.)
Circa 1830
Más información sobre este amante of the bull:
reproduce information from the FAO Forum
From: Trotter Michael (Editor)
A new book, Rare heritage breeds of livestock in New Zealand, may be of interest.
The book is about breeds of livestock - sheep, cows, goats, donkeys, horses, pigs, rabbits and poultry - were brought to this South Pacific country, or have developed here before 1950 and have been here continuously since then, but as the numbers are so low to be considered rare if not endangered. If they are allowed to die, our options for future needs of livestock fell sharply. The call for conservation of rare breeds is even more important these days when the threat of climate change leaves us with an uncertain future.
The publication is hardcover illustrated in color throughout. All royalties from the sale goes to the Conservation Society of New Zealand Rare Breeds.
View http://www.rarebreeds.co.nz/rbbook.html for details and an independent review.
Michael Trotter
Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand
21 October 2010
The blog of "bull Jijon" exceeds one hundred thousand visits .
Lorenzo Soria and Zamora Manuel Cerón Miranda. Platform for the conservation of bull Jijon "September 2010
Two years after its commissioning, the specific blog jijona breed of fighting bull, has recorded over 100,000 visits from 35,000 different ips. This website contains information organized in 91 categories, including development of 280 entries classified under different themes. We studied 58 farms with direct relation to the breeding of this variety of cattle. There are 38 permanent links and if you Google the words "caste jijona" the first offering is a result of this blog, of the 206,000 that appear.
files have been released in different formats to more than 3,000 people of a scientific, cultural and informative using web 2.0 tools. Was also achieved with the syndication of a significant number of users who regularly receive our content. Of utmost importance has been the cooperation received from other people and institutions to advance research being carried out through this system of communication.
The usual contributors and compilers of information are constructed an identity as authors, representing a significant achievement in recognition of his role and authority in the matter. To make this possible all the information published is contrasted, seeking transparency and honesty of all content avoiding the media. Every day we meet above in a larger number of Webgraphy, value our information and scientific rigor.
ideas, discoveries and innovative proposals disclosed by this means that value of wild cattle breeding are being used in plans and projects of various institutions and are part of the collective memory of the alternatives offered by this important activity in which the protagonist is a pet that demands our attention and protection to prevent their disappearance. Renowned authors fortunately managed and these new content and see how the race jijona today has an image of force. Remember that until very recently the general idea is that this variety was completely extinguished.
We go to the public in general, for all who want to learn about the animal variety they can do it in a very simple, very quick, entertaining and well you get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe current situation and expectations future of threatened wild cattle herd. This same age participate and to ask us for corrections of errors we make.
As always be grateful for the interest and attention we receive authors and compilers of information and selfless contributions given to us from different personal and institutional fields.
are mentioned in this article to farmers away from current trade patterns continue to bet on the conservation, some even by the recovery even new and old farming their family ancestors. They are right who maintain this current conservative.
is also mentionable that recourse to the names of the bulls to establish the presence of the same blood in the different herds of the same origin. Cerón Lorenzo Miranda did in his day job inquiries concluded that the greatest importance for the demonstration of the existence of current herds archaic blood. The names of the animals have teachings that allow us to obtain information from many different areas.
recommend both articles.
Information obtained at:
Compiled by Raúl Castro to thank him for his cooperation.
pastoral people require the "Rights of the Cattlemen"
On 18 May, the delegation will present the "Biological and Cultural Protocol" in the Committee on Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the German Bundestag. This Protocol, drawn up by the communities, testifies to the central task with the nomadic and pastoral peoples in the preservation of ecological systems and livestock breeds, as well as the conservation of traditional indigenous knowledge involved.
The rights of pastoralists are a list of rights that would guarantee them the pastors economic and cultural survival. The catalog has been worked by themselves on a consultation process which began in 2003 and continued to date. Pastors warn that without these rights - which in part have already been guaranteed by the Convention on Biological Diversity - may no longer fulfilling its responsibility to safeguard the diversity of breeds of farm animals.
The delegation of pastoral people and organizations expect the German government to intercede on their behalf in the relevant processes and against Global Action Plan of the Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the negotiations on the Convention on Biological Diversity. The importation of huge amounts of feed fortifier and power plants to developing countries through, must meet certain sustainability criteria, which guarantee respect for the rights of land use and road access to water and pastoral peoples.
It is strange that there is still controversy about the definition of the bull as a pet.
mentioned link information and recommend.
Center: Faculty of Veterinary |
View / Modify Student Application |
venue management and coordination administrative units related to the activity: COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PATHOLOGY / FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE ANIMAL PRODUCTION / FACULTY VETERINARY
COORDINATOR: VARGAS JOSE MANUEL SanesUniversity / Institution: Independent Vet. Bovine Clinic Admission requirements: Bachelor / Engineer / Architect Doctor Graduate Diploma Master
Objectives The overall objectives the master is the knowledge of the origin and husbandry characteristics of bull and aspects of production, health and management, in which the veterinarian has a key role. In addition to training for operations in the bullfights in which these animals are used. The professional profile which enables the master would be to vet the exploitation of fighting bulls and a veterinary bullfighting. Generic skills: capacity for analysis and synthesis.organization and planning capacity.oral and written communication. Computer skills related to field of study. (15.00 ects)
(6.00 ECTS) ROUCO JOSE ANTONIO YANEZ FRANCISCO CAYETANO GARCIA FUENTES Health in bovine PANIZO Thursday 14, 21 and 28 October and 4 November 2010. Matter II. Thursday, 11, 18 and 25 November and 2 and December 9, 2010. Matter III. Thursday, 13, 20 and 27 January and 3 February 10, 2011. ECTS: 60 credits Number of students: minimum 5 / maximum 15 Public prices: and pre-registration information from 01/06/2010 to 14/09/2010 Deadline Registration: 15/09/2010 to 30/09/2010 ofScholarship Application Deadline: 30/09/2010 to 10/10/2010 of Where to submit applications for admission and enrollment:
https: / / casiopea.um.es / cursospe / servlet / um.casiopea.catalogo.ControlCatalogo? action = detail & cu_cod = 4414 & application = CASIOPEA & source = / cursospe / servlet / um.casiopea.catalogo.ControlCatalogo ? action = start & cbmarcar = null & brand =
The "pro" and "anti" bulls may agree with this initiative. Defend a position that nobody can refuse. Why not sit at a table all those interested in preserving different varieties of cattle and produce a bill that allows regulating the preservation of the different races of wild cattle is threatened with extinction?. Why not move all groups to ensure that there is a state law that regulates the perpetuation of varieties existing in the generic "bull"?.