Friday, September 24, 2010
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The blog of "bull Jijon" exceeds one hundred thousand visits .
Lorenzo Soria and Zamora Manuel CerĂ³n Miranda. Platform for the conservation of bull Jijon "September 2010
Two years after its commissioning, the specific blog jijona breed of fighting bull, has recorded over 100,000 visits from 35,000 different ips. This website contains information organized in 91 categories, including development of 280 entries classified under different themes. We studied 58 farms with direct relation to the breeding of this variety of cattle. There are 38 permanent links and if you Google the words "caste jijona" the first offering is a result of this blog, of the 206,000 that appear.
files have been released in different formats to more than 3,000 people of a scientific, cultural and informative using web 2.0 tools. Was also achieved with the syndication of a significant number of users who regularly receive our content. Of utmost importance has been the cooperation received from other people and institutions to advance research being carried out through this system of communication.
The usual contributors and compilers of information are constructed an identity as authors, representing a significant achievement in recognition of his role and authority in the matter. To make this possible all the information published is contrasted, seeking transparency and honesty of all content avoiding the media. Every day we meet above in a larger number of Webgraphy, value our information and scientific rigor.
ideas, discoveries and innovative proposals disclosed by this means that value of wild cattle breeding are being used in plans and projects of various institutions and are part of the collective memory of the alternatives offered by this important activity in which the protagonist is a pet that demands our attention and protection to prevent their disappearance. Renowned authors fortunately managed and these new content and see how the race jijona today has an image of force. Remember that until very recently the general idea is that this variety was completely extinguished.
We go to the public in general, for all who want to learn about the animal variety they can do it in a very simple, very quick, entertaining and well you get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe current situation and expectations future of threatened wild cattle herd. This same age participate and to ask us for corrections of errors we make.
As always be grateful for the interest and attention we receive authors and compilers of information and selfless contributions given to us from different personal and institutional fields.
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