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pastoral peoples demanding the "rights of pastoralists."
pastoral people require the "Rights of the Cattlemen"
Berlin - 18/05/2010 A delegation of the pastoralist communities of Asia and Africa, will visit Berlin on May 18, 2010, in this The year of biological diversity requires recognition and support from the German government in its task to preserve biodiversity. The delegation application claiming the rights of farmers and pastoral people to whom the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have been assigned the role of guardians of traditional knowledge and genetic resources of many.
Ilse Köhler-Rollefson, League for Pastoral Peoples and Indigenous Livestock Breeding, emphasizes that the livestock of nomadic peoples have a traditional system of protection, without which cooperation could have safeguarded the diversity of animal breeds livestock, wildlife and even whole chains of ecological systems. With the conservation of livestock breeds adapted, pastors play a role in food security and of humanity.
Buntzel Rudolf, Director of World Food Situation Service of the Evangelical Church in Germany for Development, emphasizes: "Thanks to its genetic diversity, traditional breeds of livestock animals depend not - contrary to widespread breeds a performance-based diet rich in protein fortifying feed. Reason, the dietary needs of humans and animals do not conflict rivalry. "According to the unanimous opinion of experts, we can only preserve this valuable genetic resource under the traditional nomadic livestock production system.
systems of life and economy of the nomadic pastoralists are treated very marginal worldwide. Judicial systems and the modern economy, are discriminated against in many aspects.
On 18 May, the delegation will present the "Biological and Cultural Protocol" in the Committee on Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the German Bundestag. This Protocol, drawn up by the communities, testifies to the central task with the nomadic and pastoral peoples in the preservation of ecological systems and livestock breeds, as well as the conservation of traditional indigenous knowledge involved.
The rights of pastoralists are a list of rights that would guarantee them the pastors economic and cultural survival. The catalog has been worked by themselves on a consultation process which began in 2003 and continued to date. Pastors warn that without these rights - which in part have already been guaranteed by the Convention on Biological Diversity - may no longer fulfilling its responsibility to safeguard the diversity of breeds of farm animals.
The delegation of pastoral people and organizations expect the German government to intercede on their behalf in the relevant processes and against Global Action Plan of the Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the negotiations on the Convention on Biological Diversity. The importation of huge amounts of feed fortifier and power plants to developing countries through, must meet certain sustainability criteria, which guarantee respect for the rights of land use and road access to water and pastoral peoples.
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