Sunday, October 3, 2010

Medical Impact Factor Journals

The avilesino who rescued a race.


R eproducimos information that has appeared in print on Cerón Lorenzo Miranda in recognizing their work and dreams of wild cattle breeding.

congratulate Lorenzo by this public recognition and encourage you to this enthusiastic work of reclaiming the conservation of endangered breeds of cattle bravo.

The avilesino who rescued a race

03/10/1910 - 2:20 - FERNANDO
BUST 2008, found that genetic studies on English livestock there were still traces of this animal.
and has been a avilesino, Cerón Lorenzo Miranda, the person responsible for putting in order all the pieces of the puzzle and show that the caste jijona never disappear. In an effort to rescue the beautiful and impressive animal neglect is not alone. Is a member of the 'Platform for the recovery of the breed jijona', whose blog (
) has just passed 100,000 visits after two years of talking about the bull Jijón.

Environmental in the UK and a post-graduate specialization on the Conservation of Environmental Sciences, Lorenzo Miranda Cerón acknowledges that always liked the world of bullfighting. "But most of the runs, what attracted me was the bull, the animal breeding and selection. I remember that seven years and was seeking information about him. It is a growing hobby for a long time ", says the voice.

The bull is not an animal either. "Their genetic wealth is much higher than that of any other breed of cattle. It speaks of him as a race of races "Cerón says.
Researcher explains that the current configuration of bull, there are five branches or castes, each of them bred in the basins of major rivers English and their own characteristics. However, throughout the twentieth century had established the idea that the breed was extinct jijona. "It's a very big bull, very aloft, his character is aggressive and unfriendly. Instilled fear and respect. Its growth took place between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries', speaks Cerón, "as it evolves in the fight, claimed another pastueño docile bull and this breed comes in a decline." Hence
to be given by former caste was only one step who gave it without difficulty to the world of bullfighting. Although there was an advocacy group that peaked Jijón bull, named in honor of livestock Jijón Sanchez, one of the most important in the breeding of this race. "It is a very diverse group with very different profiles. His main driver is the lawyer Manuel Zaragoza, "Cerón says.
platform known genetic analysis showed the survival of bull Jijón DNA. "The farmer knew he had the breed, but did not know the cause," says the researcher. His work focused on morphological comparisons between current interests and copies of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The similarities, both physical and character, were more than evident. Also traced the family books. "Some markings dating back at least to the mid-nineteenth century," says, "these tests, along with genetic testing, demonstrate the persistence of caste to a greater or lesser degree of purity."
Once confirmed the survival of bull Jijón, Lorenzo Cerón still working with the platform for different objectives. "No animal is a high demand for current shows. Some farms keep it by looking for other markets like France, where it is most appreciated, "he says.
But beyond the spectacle of bullfighting, Lorenzo Cerón highlights the ecological value of the breeding of this breed. "Our big goal is to reintroduce it in its original environment, in La Mancha and the environment Daimiel tables, with a system of extensive grassland management is friendly water resources." Cerón the illusion that this beautiful animal is "to become an icon of a territorial development of rural areas', while prop up the cultural, historical, artistic and ethnographic Jijón bull. It is a task in the medium and long term, where they have achieved satisfaction as the request for genetic material of a Dutch University for a project to restore the aurochs, a wild bull breed.






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