Sunday, February 20, 2011

Low Kundli Matching Scores

Revival of native bovine Friesian Red and White in the Netherlands. "The situation of animal genetic resources. FAO 2010"


native bovine Renaissance Red and White Friesian in the Netherlands.

In 1800, the livestock population in the province of Friesland was formed mainly by Red Pied cattle. Many ancestors were imported from Denmark and Germany red after widespread losses caused by bovine viral fever. Since 1879, the book of Friesian cattle herd had been a Red and White phenotype, but due to pressure from export markets, black and white copies were made progressively more popular than the original red and white. In 1970, only 50 owners of 2,500 farmers affiliated heads to the Association of Cattle Breeders Friesian Red and White. Soon, the continuous importation of Holstein - Friesian from the USA and Canada led to a further decline of the population, to the extent that in 1993 only 21 individuals were Red and White, 4 males and 17 females . A group of landowners started the Foundation for Native Cattle Friesian Red and White. In partnership with the newly Gene for Animals, is developing a breeding program. The semen of stallions remained in the gene bank the 1970 and 1980 was used to inseminate females under a contract system. The male offspring was raised by farmers, who received a grant from bank gene. The sperm of these males was preserved, frozen and used later under new contracts. Race increase in number, reaching 256 registered females and 12 males alive alive in 2004. Currently kept in the bank GENE total 11,780 doses of semen of 43 bulls, ready for AI. Most breeders breed the cows for milk production fans. Kor




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